Thursday, August 9, 2012

...jud[g]e law

I think,
People who know you better, they will never judge you.

Even they are your friend, your close friend, if they judge you (not in a good way, of course)
They just do not know you.
They do not want to know you.

Maybe you just start to know them better,
Yah, maybe, now you just try to judge them

And if something not going well
When they are keep judging

It’s the right time to: do not listen for their judgement.
Hurting. In some way.
That things just make you hate them. And yourself.

And, stop share everything (a story, a secret) to them
For what?
Telling something worth to someone, who will judge you
A wasting time-something.

And if you don’t want to know others
Keep your mouth
If you don’t want to say something bad
Shut up and, just smile.

*I just say to my self.

and, who doesn't love jude law?


  1. i don't love Jude Law.. haha...
    so, after doing philospophical thing, then you're making a poem?? good try..

  2. ou, my... Jude Law... maksih koreksi(nggak langsung)nya mas... :)))

    ini bukan puisi... hhhaaa...
    ini tulisan lagi bete mas. :D
